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在数据中心的总拥有成本 (TCO) 中,电力使用成本所占比重越来越大。通过合理地设计网络关键物理基础设施以及精心设计 IT 架构,可以大幅降低典型数据中心的电能消耗。本白皮书阐述如何量化电力节约,并举例说明大幅降低电能消耗的方法。
Of the various economizer (free cooling) modes for data centers, using fresh air is often viewed as the most energy efficient approach. However, this paper shows how indirect air economizer-based cooling produces similar or better energy savings while eliminating risks posed when outside fresh air is allowed directly into the IT space.
如今数据中心行业的共识是模块化、可扩展数据中心设计将会取代传统数据中心设计。模块化可扩展设计的优势包括:降低总拥有成本、提高灵活性、缩短部署时间以及提高效率等。但“模块化”这一术语,和模块化架构在何时何处适用,以及如何确定模块化架构的规格等,都还没有明确的定义。 本白皮书为模块化数据中心架构提供了一个框架,介绍了数据中心电源、制冷和物理基础设施实施模块化的多种途径,并说明了各种方法适用和有效的应用环境。
70% of data center outages are directly attributable to human error according to the Uptime Institute’s analysis of their “abnormal incident” reporting (AIR) database1. This figure highlights the critical importance of having an effective operations and maintenance (O&M) program. This paper describes unique management principles and provides a comprehensive, high-level overview of the necessary program elements for operating a mission critical facility efficiently and reliably throughout its life cycle. Practical management tips and advice are also given.
Standardized, scalable, pre-assembled, and integrated data center facility power and cooling modules provide a “total cost of ownership” (TCO) savings of 30% compared to traditional, built-out data center power and cooling infrastructure. Avoiding overbuilt capacity and scaling the design over time contributes to a significant percentage of the overall savings. This white paper provides a quantitative TCO analysis of the two architectures, and illustrates the key drivers of both the capex and opex savings of the improved architecture.
The consolidation of one or more data centers into an existing data center is a common occurrence. This paper gives examples of what is becoming a standard architecture for preparing the physical infrastructure in the receiving data center. This approach allows for shorter timelines and high efficiency while avoiding the commonly expected difficulties and complexities often experienced with consolidation projects.
随着科技发展遍布世界的每一个角落,数据中心和任务 关键设施对于我们的重要性以及我们对其的依赖性达到 前所未有的高度。我们不再只把正常运行时间作为理想 中的目标,而是必须达成的要求。但是设施的正常运行 时间不是一个产品,不能通过确定其参数和设计就能获 得,也不能在安装之后就不再过问。除非对影响正常运 行时间的因素完全了解,关键任务设施或数据中心就无 法达成其设计要求中99.99%的可用性。优化正常运行 时间是一个知识体系。它始于设施规划阶段,存在于设 计、实施、验证和试运行、运营、故障分析以及重新验 证等环节中的每一个步骤。