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This white paper explains the sources of downtime in electric power systems and provides an explanation for site-to-site variations in power availability. The factors affecting power quality from generation to the utilization point are summarized. There is a qualitative description of a model, which can be combined with data to provide a method for estimating down time based on site-related factors.




Lead-acid batteries are the most widely used method of energy reserve. Ventilation systems must address health and safety as well as performance of the battery and other equipment in a room. Valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries and modular battery cartridges (MBC) do not require special battery rooms and are suitable for use in an office environment. Air changes designed for human occupancy normally exceed the requirements for VRLA and MBC ventilation. Vented (flooded) batteries, which release hydrogen gas continuously, require a dedicated battery room with ventilation separate from the rest of the building. This paper summarizes some of the factors and U.S. codes to consider when selecting and sizing a ventilation system for a facility in which stationary batteries are installed.


Fire safety regulations and their application to uninterrupted power supply (UPS) battery installations in the USA are reviewed. In some cases, fire codes do not clearly recognize improvements in battery safety resulting from changing battery technology. Valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries are frequently deployed within data centers and network rooms without the need for the elaborate safety systems that are required for vented (flooded) lead acid batteries. Proper interpretation of the fire codes is essential in the design and implementation of data centers and network rooms.




This white paper explains the special power protection issues related to RS-232 cabling. First, the special vulnerabilities of RS-232 cabling are explained. Then appropriate protection and mitigation techniques are provided.


低于 5000VA 的 UPS 系统均采用下面两种基本设计方案:在线互动式和双转换在线式。本白皮书将介绍各种拓扑结构的优缺点,并着重陈述人们在实际应用需求方面的一些常见误区。


数据中心的规划和设计工作包括计算 IT 设备的电源和制冷需求,以符合电力基础设施的容量。本白皮书说明了计算功率和制冷需求的方法,并提供确定支持数据中心(包括 IT 设备、制冷系统、照明设施和备用电源)所需总电源功率容量的指导原则。


IT managers will be surprised to learn that some medium and high power UPS systems on the market today (rated 50 kW and higher) use undersized static bypass switches despite their negative implications. By using a contactor or a circuit breaker in parallel with SCRs, these static bypass switches are able use smaller, less expensive SCRs that are rated to carry less than full load current continuously. This paper shows that the availability of the UPS system is compromised when undersized static bypass switches are employed in the system. The advantages of fully rated static bypass switches are discussed.







,APC推出模块化InfraStruXure®架构,在数据中心电源领域掀起了一场革命,这是一项史无前例的设计,它将电源、制冷、机架和管理无缝集成为一个模块化、可扩展的、预制式解决方案,APC因此成为开发行级制冷技术的先锋.施耐德精密空调,APC UPS,UPS维修,UPS续保,APC维修,APC延保,APC巡检,模块化UPS,合力致胜提供整体机房工程和数据中心基础物理设施建设